What a wonderful weekend...
This time, we went to Brussels and to Amsterdam, to celebrate my birthday. I think this one is the best I had...
We took Eurostar from “Waterloo International“ to Brussels-MIDI. It takes 2 and a half hours to get there and it is much faster that do it by air.
Brussels is amazing city : very beautiful, majestic and ancient. We spend the whole day roaming the city and in the evening we met with Arkady and Noga. Together, we saw more of city sights and had couple of drinks. They showed us a female version of “The Mannekin Pis”, “Jeanneken Pis” (peeing girl). That was a pervert sight, but I guess that peeing boy need to have a countepart. Just before the trip, I asked some people about what to do in Brussels. Most of them told me that 2 days in Brussels is too much and that there is nothing to do. That is so untrue! The only problem we had was with 2 French guys whom send us in wrong direction when we asked for a directions to the hotel.
Two days after, we took a Thylis train to “Amsterdam Central”. Another 2 and a half hours on the train the we were there. That weekend, there was a music festival in Amsterdam. There we met Mark and Natasha (A.K.A. Comrade Bonita) and also stayed in their place. The guys are great, so funny and a live! They gave me a very special birthday present: “Venus Trap” flower.
Enjoy the photos : http://picasaweb.google.com/john.markh/BrusselsAmsterdam