Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
Back to Roots (Royal Arsenal)
I guess there will be no "Part 2" of |
Anyway, we have moved (again) to a new place, back in Royal Arsenal. It is amazing apartment (yeah....the dream of your own house with a white fence… maybe in http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-5482957374991500321 http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-6804095167868613352 |
Otherwise… nothing new (which is good, from time to time)… |
Enjoy, John. |
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Helsinki (Part 1)
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Anniversary 2.0
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Here we are, two years together and believe it or not, still love each other. For our anniversary we went to Cornwall, south west part of UK. Not only that, but I was driving (on the other side of the road)! Before I go on, I have to say that driving on the left side of the road is not the most difficult thing, but having gear box on your left side and change gears using your left arm... that was tricky. We planned to make our base in Plymouth and to take short trips to locations around. On the first day, we drove past pile of stones better known as Stonehenge. We also managed to drive past Salisbury cathedral on a way to Plymouth. On the second day, we drove to St. Michael's Mount, Marazion and Land's End (where the land actually ends). St Michael's Mount (Cornish name: Carrack Looz en Cooz) situated in Penwith in west Cornwall and united with Marazion by a natural causeway cast up by the sea and passable only at low tide. Since there was no low tide, we had to catch a ride on a boat to get there. Land's End, is the most western location in UK. Just before you hit the point, there is put which called "The Last Pub in England". I don't believe the world is riding on four giant turtles, but this place does have a feeling of "End". It is really hard to describe the place in words... On the last day, after we checked out from our lovely hotel (Novotel Plymouth) and drove back to London through Bristol. When you compare it to London, you can't fail to notice that people, even when in rush, are slower and more relaxed. It gives certain quality to the city which I really liked... |
You can find our photo album at http://picasaweb.google.com/alla.markh/DestinationLandSEnd. |
Enjoy, John |
Monday, October 22, 2007
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Straight from vacation in Riga (you can find a photo album here: http://picasaweb.google.com/alla.markh/RigaOctober2007), I was sent to a project (thanks god, just a short one) in Copenhagen (København). |
Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to explore the city (yeah... I had to work as well) and to go to a local Tuborg brewery, but you can find some photos at http://picasaweb.google.com/john.markh/20071011Copenhagen. |
Enjoy, John. |
P.S.: CZA (Czech Airlines) are the best! |
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Trip to Russia
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Finally, back to reality… |
I have just returned after ten days in Russia, after 17 years of absence. We (me, mom and sister) went to visit grandma, grandpa and uncle, who came from Moscow, in Urusu. |
So first of all, couple of words about Urusu. It is a small village in Tatarstan, about 800km from Moscow, 600km from Kazan, the capital of Tatarstan, and the same distance from Samara, and about 300km from Ufa, the capital of neighbour Bashkiria. According to taxi driver, there are approximately 14,000 people live in Urusu. Get the picture? |
To get there, I had to fly to Moscow, wait 12 hours for connection flight to Ufa, then 6 hours by train to nearby major city Oktabrsk and finally 20-30 minutes by bus which goes once in a while. Did I mention dogs ride and walking in the fields for about an hour? We cheated a bit and took taxi from Ufa directly to Urusu which cost us about £25 (more then average monthly salary in Russia). |
Although people in Russia (at least in Urusu) are friendly and will try to help you (even when most of them doesn’t know a word in English), the border control was as unfriendly as it gets. My passport was examined by the officer for more then 30 minutes and I was body searched. Probably too many European and US (a.k.a. enemies) stamps in my passports… |
Mom and sister been there couple of years ago, but I haven’t seen grandma and grandpa (and Urusu) for more then 17 years, since I was 8 or 9. The city undergo drastic change (more about it later), but the grandma and grandpa look the same. Grandma sees a bit worse and grandpa hears a bit less (OK, so he barely hears at all), but they are as active as I remember them. Everyday, they were awake much earlier that we were and worked with us in the fields as hard as all. |
For a week that we have been there, we worked in the field from early morning till evening: rooting weed, preparing ground for winter, cleaning and paining pipes, cutting branches and trees, and about everything else need to be done before the winter. After working for more then 4-5 years in the office, this was a ‘nice’ change. At first, my body ached like hell, but after couple of days I enjoyed physical work, fresh air (something you don’t get in London) and plain but tasty country food which was potatoes (fried or boiled), fresh milk, dark (brown) bread and a lot of fresh vegetables (some of them straight from the field). |
The city (still registered as village) celebrated 60 years just before we arrived, so many buildings were freshly pained and streets repaved and cleaned. There were many new shops opened during 17 years, but the biggest surprise was the amount of young people in there. I was expecting to have dying city on the outskirts of Russia, with mostly old and retired people, but it is alive and kicking. There are couple of coffee places, bowling and dance clubs, and… musk. Apparently, after fall of Soviet Union, Tatar people remembered that they are originally Muslims. But, although of progress and modernism of the city, there are still goats, chickens, dogs and ducks roaming the outskirts… |
OK, I don’t work for “Lost Guide to Russia”, so enough of that. Check out the photo album at http://picasaweb.google.com/john.markh/20070930TripToRussia |
Enjoy, John. |
P.S.: You do understand that I would appreciate your comments, don’t you? |
Monday, September 17, 2007
Weekend in Windsor
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Once again we woke up early to headed to another beautiful, historic location in UK. This weekend destination: Windsor. |
We already been there couple of months before, and Windsor landscapes and small streets featured in our art gallery on the wall (http://jmarkh.blogspot.com/2007/01/weekend-in-windsor.html). This time, we wanted to visit famous Windsor castle. |
Windsor castle is the largest inhabited castle in the world (yes, yes... the queen still lives there) and is as often used for state banquets and official entertaining. |
We are not allowed to take photos inside the castle, but the impressive gardens and fortification should be enough to imagine the majestic beauty of the state rooms inside. Check out the photo album at http://picasaweb.google.com/john.markh/20070916WindsorCastle. |
Enjoy, John. |
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Another Month, Another Entry...
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It has been a long, long time since I posted here. |
During last weeks, I had to work form a dozen different locations for a dozen of different clients (I'm writing this from Birmingham). Needless to say, that during weekends I didn’t want to touch this dull metallic “thing” called laptop. |
Couple of weeks ago I celebrated my 28th birthday (I’M MATURE, NOT OLD). My uncle and aunt from US came to London for couple of days and we all together went to Bath (it is ancient city in west of UK with a very impressive history, sights and nature around it) for a tour in Roman baths and spa in natural hot springs (present from Alyona). |
A week after, Kremer were on tour in UK, so we went to check out their latest sound in club with very Jewish name: Fiddler’s Elbow. After the show, four big, blond Dutch guys stayed at our place. I have absolutely no idea how they fit in, in our living room, but they did. It was very nice to meet with Rob (guitar) again after more then 8 months and to hear him abusing his guitar. Too bad it was for one night only and… too bad he didn’t play with “Hello Kitty” guitar. |
So guys, happy New Year to you all (What, did you know? It is Jewish New Year today!) and… hope to see you all soon. |
Ciao, John. |
Hmm… I did it again. I forgot to include the links to photo albums… |
Here they are: |
http://o2create.migapps.com/o2create/video/454041/hi |
http://picasaweb.google.com/alla.markh/AllaBoryaInLondonPart1GreenwichPark |
http://picasaweb.google.com/alla.markh/AllaBoryaInLondonPart2 |
http://picasaweb.google.com/alla.markh/JohnnySBirthdayPart1 |
http://picasaweb.google.com/alla.markh/JohnnySBirthdayPart2Bath |
Saturday, August 18, 2007
The "Baby" is Dead
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I don't know if you read previous post, but the website I've been building is no longer relevant. It was killed by Microsoft (sort of). |
Well, the story is like that... A day after I published my previous post I found out that Microsoft allow you to setup your own website and have your own domain for free. It also includes number of additional services such as email addresses with the same domain name, web site building and statistical tools, etc. |
Without further delays (it is Saturday night and I want to go out) I want to present TalkRusianLanguage's new website: http://talkrussianlanguage.co.uk. |
Another SUPER-MEGA-FANTASTIC-AMAZING news are that we have our passports back... with EEA1/EEA2 stamps! We are one step closer to become UK citizens... |
Enjoy, John. |
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
New "Baby" is Born
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Good evening my dear readers, |
It been so long since last time I had a chance to drop a few lines in here, but I'm back. |
First of all (as you probably can see), I've switched back to Fedora and I have just one thing to say about it.... Love it! |
Secondly, we have finally applied for "Registration Certificate" (EEA1/EEA2 applications). After waiting more then a month, we have discovered that it takes about 6 months to process the application with all our original document as well as passports are in HomeOffice. So basically, we are more or less stuck on this side of the river for a while. What do I have to say about it? ...Hate it! |
During last couple of weeks, I've been deeply involved in our family project to produce a professional looking, service selling, high quality website for my wife (http://www.russianlanguage.homechoice.co.uk/). It is 99% ready, but you all are welcome to visit. Send your comments and personal/professional opinions to the webmaster (Anyway, I will end up reading it). For those who are slow to catch, this is the baby I have mentioned in the title... |
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Crack in My Fortress
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Pink Floyd Concert In... Rochester
Let's start by saying that it was Australian Pink Floyd show, but they are as good (or even better) then the original band. Sure, they didn't write the songs and the lyrics, but they are performing them hell good! So, last Saturday we went to Rochester (again) to a Pink Floyd show at Rochester Castle. The place gives amazing atmosphere for this kind of concerts. Everything was right... |
We have arrived a "bit" earlier, 3 hours before they start, to check out the town, castle and to get good seats. Surprisingly, we were not the first. After having some sandwiches and water (wait... wait a few more lines) the show has started and boy, they were as good as we expected. |
Me and the girls (my lovely wife and Marina) started to drink (vodka Smirnoff for them and beer for me) and eat burgers (vegetarian), smell weed (couldn't help it) and sing loudly till we couldn't take it any more. Later on, we abandoned our sits in favor of "rocking" closer to stage with another hundreds of people. |
It was absolutely amazing, if a bit cold. As always, check out the photo album at http://picasaweb.google.com/john.markh/20070714AustralianPinkFloyd and don't forget to comment. |
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Weekend in Ashford
This weekend we went to visit our friend Natasha in Ashford, Kent. One hour on the train and we were there... |
There is nothing really special about this place. It probably has some piece of history, but we were not able to discover it (maybe it was because we didn't try?). After hanging around with Natasha in Sunday market and then in local park (check out the fountain in the photo album: http://picasaweb.google.com/john.markh/20070708Ashford |
It was just like in the movies. The girls chit chat about nails while Natasha made some very impressive decoration on Alyona's fingers (butterflies, flowers, etc.) and I had one hour of sleep on a couch. Isn't life amazing...? |
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
The End of "Miami" Era

Thursday, June 07, 2007
Atlanta (Part 2)

And today, I had THE MOST amazing steak ever! We went to Olde Mill Steakhouse near Cumberland mall in Atlanta. I had a 14oz rib eye (medium rare) piece with baked potato and butter and Caesar salad on the side. The steak was perfectly made with a bit charcoal taste (just amazing). All that was finished with Southern Comfort Pecan pie... A DREAM!
I think I said it before (4-5 years ago) that I will not eat meat unless it is a prime cut... I think I will actually do it...
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Atlanta (Part 1)

Saturday, May 19, 2007
“Almost” American Dream
We have moved to a new house (mind, not apartment). The house is a bit smaller that the previous two bedroom apartment, but it has private garden and we don't have annoying neighbors.
On the very first day we “tried” to stuff everything (mostly Alyona's shoes and clothes) into our smaller wardrobe and storage room. Now, it is completely filled...
But on the second day, oh the second day, we made a long waited BBQ! We had this grill for a year, but couldn't use it our previous place because of some fire safety instructions. That day, we had couple of friend over to celebrate (and had some free food) with beer and burgers (NOT only veggie burgers but prime cut beef burgers), tea, coffee and sweets. After some failed attempts we managed to light the fire and had those burgers cracking happily on the net. In no time, as a professional paparazzi, Alyona had her camera out (device that weight 1.5kg and has 2-3 different lenses) and took about 1000 pph (photos per hour). You can check out some of them here: http://picasaweb.google.com/john.markh/20070520BBQParty. Now, I hope you noticed the most shocking photo. I look sooo much older, like a real grown up man.
But... still charming!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
New "John White" Shoes
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Weekend in Prague

What a beautiful place to be!
We have just came back from Prague, the most beautiful place on this planet. The weather was not too good, but the charm of Prague make up to that.
We stayed not far from the centre of the city, in Arpacay hostel (near Angel station). The hostel was clean, breakfast was good and stuff was friendly.
On the first day, we arrived at 13:00 to Prague, went to the hostel to check in. Following that, we took a metro to the centre to have a good dinner in our favourite restaurant.
The day after, we went to see some old synagogues and Jewish places (where they charge you for "air" you breath) and then for a nice walk along the Vltava and old Vysehrad castle. We finished that do by doing small shopping, some beer and a movie (Sunshine).
Our last day in Prague was dedicated to shopping. After a quick breakfast and tour to Staropramen brewery (it was closed), we went to a Ziclin shopping mall.
Check out the photo album .
Monday, April 23, 2007
Recipe: Stuffed Aubergine
Ingredients (Per Person):
- 1 Aubergine
- 1 Carrot
- 1 Onion
- 1 Glove of Garlic
- 2 Table Spoons of Sweet Corn
- Sunflower Oil
- Butter
- Grated Cheddar Cheese
- Spices (Salt, Pepper, Chilli Powder, Garlic Granules, Sweet Paprika Powder, Black Mustard Seeds, Cumin Powder, Turmic Powder, Kitchen King (mix), Qasuri Methi (dried leafs)
First thing we are going to do is to chop onion and garlic. Then, grate carrot in to separate bow.
Next, cut the aubergine in half and take out the soft middle using sharp knife. Try not to damage the skin as we will use it later. Now, chop the insides of the aubergine into small cubes and put it in a bow.
Time to fry:
Heat the sunflower oil in heavy pan (not thin aluminium stuff you can buy for ½ pound). When the oil is hot, add spices and keep heating them on medium heat for a minute and half. Make sure that you do not burn the oil and spices as they will loose their taste and aromatic qualities.
Next added chopped onion and garlic and fly for another minute. After that, add grated carrot and keep frying until the carrot became soft (2-3 minutes). Added aubergine and sweet corn and fly for about 5 minutes, till aubergine cubics are soft.
Let's bake it all:
Turn on the over on 200°C. Meanwhile, cut thin slices of butter and place them into the two half of the aubergine's skin (try to stick them to the walls). Then, fill them equally with the fried mix and cover with grated cheddar cheese.
Put the two portions of aubergine on the baking tray and bake for 10-15 minutes.
Bonn Appetite!
I want to thank to Ms. J Chuksina, who taught me this recipe.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Weekend in Barcelona

Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Malinkii Malchik

Malenkii malcik nascul pistolet
Bolshe v derevne milizii net!
Malenkii malcik nascel pulemet.
Bolshe v derevne nikto ne zivet!
Malenkii malcik nashel pulemet.
TU-104 domoi ne pridet!
Malenkii malcik na vishnu zalez.
Vdrug iz kustov pokazalsa obrez.
Razom razdalis i vistrel i krik:
"-Sorok sestoi!"-usmehnulsa starik!!
Deti v podvale igrali v gestapo.
Zverski zamucen santehnik Potapov.
Malenkii malcik nashol kimono.
Sorok priemov on videl v kino.
Vizgi i kriki,udari nogi...
Papini jaica stekli v sapogi!
Malenkii malcik na krishe gulal.
Malenkii malcik s krishi upal.
Smotrit v okno izumlennaja mat':
"-#% tvoju mat',on umeet letat'!!!
Malenkii malcik na kryshe sidiel,
Byl by on babockoi, - on polietiel.
Ticho podkralsia s dubinkoju ktoto -
Vot i sbylas' mecta idiota.
Malenkii malcik na krishe sidel,
Solnzhni luch emo golovu grel.
Ruchnula krisha, chrustnuli kosti...
Net, ne poedem mi k malchiku v gosti.
Malenkii malcik na ldinke poplil,
Szadi k nemu ledokol podvalil.
Netu otradnei kartinki na svete:
Sleva pol Peti i sprava pol Peti!
Malenkii malcik konfetku sosal,
Szadi podechal k nemu samosval...
Zavtra nautro napisali gazeti:
"Malchik pogib, podavivshis konfetkoi".
Malenkii malcik na stroike gulal,
Basheni kran ryadom gruz podimal.
Tazhest ne viderzak starenki tros,-
Malchik ushami k sandalyam priros.
Malenkii Petya na travke lezhal,
Misha nezhaino s krishi upal.
Ne rozabrales roditile v morge:
"Gde zhe zchi ruki, i gde zhe zchi nogi?"
Devachka v pole kakashku nashla,
K dyadye s voprosom ona podashla.
"Bros etu gadost" dyadya skazal,
Dolgo potom on lezo viteral.
Deti v podvale igrali v roddom.
Ne vynes aborta sedoi upravdom.
Devochka v pole britvu nashla
"Chto eto,papa?"-sprosila ona
Papa otvetil :"Gubnaya garmoshka!"
Vse shire i shire ulibka u kroshki
A u nas vo dvore sneg segodnya rozovii
Papa s malchikom igrali V Pavlika Morozova
Malenkii Vasya shemu payal.
Payal on,payal i payalnik upal.
Zharenim myasom zapahlo vokrug
Devochkam Vasya bolshe ne drug.
Zvezdochki,bantiki,shortiki v ryad
Tramvai pereehal otryad oktyabryat.
Siska nalevo,siska napravo
S nimi pogibka vozhataya Klava.
Babushka vnuchku so shkoli zhdala,
Kalii Cianistii v stupke tolkla
Dedushka babushku operedil
Vnuchku gvozdyami k zaboru pribil
And, here are some more :
Golie zhopi po nebu letyat
V banyu popal reaktivnii sn aryad.
Skromnaya devochka s imenem Rita
Popu chesala kuskom dinamita.
Vzriv prozvuchal na ulice Zhdanova
Nogi v Medvedkovo, popa v Chertanovo.
Malenkii malchik na lifte katalsya,
I vot dokatalsya - lift oborvalsya
Roetsya mama v kuche kostey :
"Gde zhe krossovki za 30 rubley?"
S ulici mame sosed prokrichal :
"Vash sin pod asfaltnii katok tut popal!"
Mama sprosila : "A gde on teper?"
"Shas ya ego vam prosunu pod dver!"
Deti rezvilis v shkolnom bufete,
Zhainikom vibrali tolstogo Petyu,
Petya ne dolgo na plitke pichtel,
V fortochku pepel ego politel.
Petya na lizhach vodnich katalsya,
Vdrug ne zametno tros oborvalsya.
Plavayut v ozere rvanie plavki,
Ostatki ot Petyi doeli piavki.
Special thanks to my good friend Bonita, who helped and inspired me...
Sunday, March 18, 2007
St. Patrick's Day

Monday, March 12, 2007
Weekend In Colchester

Thursday, February 08, 2007
Crazy Weather
Now, if we are talking about cold, it is freaking cold in here!
I mean, what does Santa Klaus thinks?
It is no Riga or Warsaw... It is London and it is not suppose to snow in here!
If he wants to show of, fine... But he should do it somewhere up at north, in Carlisle for example! It is cold there in anyway...
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Weekend in Windsor

Friday, January 26, 2007
Snow! Again?
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
White London
OH my GOD!
This morning, London was covered with snow...
I mean, this happen only once in 4-5 years and the city is sooo unprepared for it. All the traffic (trains, tube, buses, etc.) was delayed and people were walking with mobile phones/cameras taking pictures (yes, I did it my self). Check it out: http://picasaweb.google.com/john.markh/20070124WhiteLondon.
Enjoy it, from where it is warm...
Thursday, January 04, 2007
New Year

Happy New Year every one! I want to wish to all of you a happy and successful year.
For the last two week, we have been in Riga to celebrate New Year (http://picasaweb.google.com/john.markh/01012007Riga). A lot of our friends from UK came (home) to Riga to celebrate a "White" New Year. Unfortunatly, this year, there was no snow during those two weeks. It was raining most of the time and was really cold (so, why there was not snow?!?).